Scott Rice has been a partner of Douglas County Special Olympics and has supported our annual Kansas Athletics Golf Classic since 2008. Through the financial support and volunteer time of Scott Rice and our other partners we are able to keep our local program going. All necessary funds at the local level are the responsibility of the teams. With the costs of busses, meals, rooms for the two larger tournaments as well as practice venues and equipment it is no small job. We are so grateful for your support.
Special Olympics offers year round sports training, education and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual and/or physical disabilities. Our athletes train and compete in ten of the twenty-one sports offered by Special Olympics Kansas. We have anywhere from four to over 100 athletes competing in these various sports throughout the year and over 100 in the program overall. The athletes choose their sports, with basketball, bowling, and track and field having the largest number of participants.
One of the many, great things about Special Olympics is the fact that any athlete, regardless of ability, can successfully compete in Special Olympics. The competition is broken into age and skill levels so each athlete can compete successfully with other athletes of the same abilities.
My daughter Jessie has participated in Special Olympics since 1991 and I have volunteered with the group in various capacities for much of that time. I serve on the board and have been the fundraising chair person since 2007. Here is Jessie with her gold medal at the area bowling tournament.
I have seen lives of both our athletes and volunteers changed during my time working with the program. We have athletes who had never been out of the area and an overnight trip to Wichita or Hayes for a state tournament is a huge deal! Their gains in confidence, time with peers and new friendships are invaluable.
This photo is this year’s State basketball team preparing to head to Hayes.
Thanks to Scott Rice from the entire Douglas County Jayhawk nation!