Workplace 20·20: A federal Response to Change Patterns in the Work Environment

Over the last two decades, there have been dramatic changes in technology, business practices, and the demographic profile of the U.S. workforce.

• Team work has grown in importance.

• Computer work takes precedence over paperwork.

• Increased local mobility and the greater geographic distribution of team members is now a common reality rather than the exception.

• Flat, fluid organizations have proliferated, requiring workspaces that are less hierarchical and less tied to status.

In 2002, the U.S. General Services Administration responded to these changes in a special way when it launched the WorkPlace 20·20 research and development program. The focus of this effort was to help agencies realign their work settings to support teams effectively at a time when organizational structures, work styles, and technology were evolving rapidly.

Common Workplace Goals for the Next Decade

The steady transformation of work practice and the broad workplace trends have clear implications for the goals that federal agencies are setting for their workplaces. Four goals in particular are likely to set the agenda for the federal workplace over the next decade:

1. Improve Collaboration & Communication

2. Improve Environmental Quality

3. Improve Space Use Efficiency

4. Improve Engagement & Wellbeing

Click here for more information on GSA Workplace as Strategic Resource 

Obama’s Executive Order 13514 changed the landscape of the Federal Office forever. The order mandates:

• Reduce rental and operating expenses

• Meet the Presidential Space Reduction Mandate

• Increase energy efficiency

• Increase engagement and productivity

• Reduce lost work during disasters or inclement weather

• Comply with sustainability

Executive Orders GSA’s High-Performance Workplaces addresses all of the above by rethinking your physical spaces and workplace strategies. In the end it will reduce costs, increase efficiency, modernize your space and reduce your footprint.

Scott Rice GSA Capabilities

The New Federal Workplace: A Report on the Performance of Six Workplace 20·20 Projects

Obama Signed Executive Order 13514—Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance

Executive Order 13514_Overveiw