We had a wonderful time celebrating our customers, friends and family at the 3rd Annual SR Madness event! A special thank you to our vendor partners for your help and continuous support!
Look for event photos to be posted the Scott Rice Facebook page soon! Be sure to like our page & tag yourself!
The Harvesters Donation totals are as follows:
1st Place (AGAIN!) – KU
134 cans
62 toilet paper
88 boxed meals
22 peanut butter
5 cereal
22 meat

70 health and beauty


2nd Place – Other

83 cans
8 toilet paper
9 boxes meals
16 peanut butter
4 cereal
10 meat
16 health and beauty
7 snacks

3rd Place – K-State

56 cans
12 toilet paper
42 boxed meals
7 peanut butter
5 cereal
8 meats
13 health and beauty

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