Join us for a three part CEU Day at Scott Rice Sponsored by Steelcase!
2020 Steelcase CEU Day
8:30am: Designing for Emotional Well Being Presented by David Trousdale, Steelcase Wellbeing Consultant
As businesses amp up their focus on wellbeing, many are checking on their progress and looking to other organizations for benchmarking and inspiration. Most organizations understand the importance of physical wellbeing, but don’t clearly understand how to create an environment designed for the holistic wellbeing of the people who work there –which, though often overlooked, includes their emotionalwellbeing. By looking at wellbeing more holistically, organizations can create workplaces that will provide people with a great employee experience, that enables them to reach their full potential.
Today, many employers are rethinking how to address wellbeing by taking a more proactive, human-centered approach. A synthesis of research by Steelcase researchers has identified six dimensions of emotional wellbeing that can be impacted by the built environment. Emotions shape people’s behaviors and determine their ability to be creative, innovative and strong contributors—and those are critical levers for employee satisfaction and engagement. In contrast to emotional wellbeing, too much stress leads to negative emotions that put people on guard, conditioned for a “fight or flight” response, which leads to disengagement and ultimately tires the body and mind. This course will explore the rising importance of emotional wellbeing and demonstrate that by creating a workplace that addresses the emotional wellbeing of people, architects and designers will be able to help organizations increase employee engagement and drive business performance. The course also shares thought starters and design principles that can be used by architects and designers to create environments where people will thrive.
10:00 AM: Sustainability Certification and its Role in the Selection of Furniture Presented by Kim Antisdel, Steelcase Design Portfolios
A Mind-boggling number of environmental standards exist…
It seems each day something is greener, better and calling louder than the standards of years past. This CEU will seek to define and compare leading sustainability programs in the market and explain the key role furniture plays within each. We will overlay LEVEL by BIFMA’s rating system and explain It’s application and relevance to help demystify furniture’s role in sustainability.
11:30AM: Generation Z: The Connected Generation Presented by David Brite, Business Development
By the end of this decade, Generation Z will enter the workplace for the first time. Born from 1995 to 2011, members of this generation are from diverse backgrounds, cultures and lifestyles – but they have a few things in common. Gen Z’s with the expectation that fast-paced technology and unlimited connections should always be at their fingertips. They expect constant feedback, yet want their voices heard and valued. They are experiential learners with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Plus, they are constantly connected to the world around them through technology. With Generation Z representing over 28% of the global population, their influence on where and how we work will be significant, and their characteristics suggest that they will have different workspace needs.
Steelcase researchers explored the influences that drive Generation Z in order to determine the factors organizations need to consider when integrating them into the workplace. Researchers determined that changes will not only occur in the space itself, but also in organizational culture, work processes and technology.
In this course, you will learn about the characteristics, behaviors, influences and values of Generation Z as well as the impact and implications they will have on the workplace. The course explains the genesis of Generation Z’s unique view on technology. It will also point to some key factors to attracting and retaining Gen Z’s in the workplace.