2020 FURniture and Friends Pet Calendar
2020 COVER
LEO | Yellow Lab | 9 Weeks Old
Leo is happiest when he chases Harlee the cat around the house. He is also partial to lounging in the middle of his Mom (Deanne’s) big, beautiful hostas. (Make that her FORMER big, beautiful hostas.) His proudest moment is when he actually CAUGHT Harlee the cat! He’s also extremely proud of biting off every single bloom from the Day Lilies in the front yard. Currently, Leo and his Dad (Toby) are rocking the potty training!
HENRY | Golden Retriever | 5 Months Old
Henry LOVES attention. He’s attached to his Momma (Sarah’s) hip and loves following her around getting attention. On Fridays he is very excited because he gets to go to work with his Momma! Henry enjoys just about everything in life. Baths and being pampered are on the top of his list. One time his Momma kicked him out of the bath tub and to show his displeasure he defiantly went to grab a toy and ran full speed back in. Henry also loves the ladies.
Sistema Lounge by Viccarbe | Note Side Table by BluDot
OLIVER | Cocker Spaniel | 5 Years Old
Oliver is almost always happy. He loves running around his backyard, eating peanut butter, begging for bread, and playing with his dog friends or favorite stuffed toys. Oliver is the biggest coward around. Boxes, shopping bags, strangers, you name it and he’s probably scared of it.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Slope Chair by West Elm | Copy Cat Light by FLOS | Addie Pull-Up Table by Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams | Powergrid Top Hat Background Fabric by CF Stinson
MAUD | Sheltie/Jack Russell Mix | 16 Months Old
Maud is single and loves long walks. However, her Dad (Mark) has stated she is not yet on the dating scene. Maud’s biggest pet peeves are rabbits & mowers. She is happiest when she is in her Dad’s lap or playing fetch. Her biggest achievement is that she can identify her toys by name. e.g. “go get blue dog” or “where’s monkey ball?” When a treat is near, Maud’s best skill is to have the patience to wait until “get it!” is said.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Saven Rocker by Carolina, an OFS Company | Lotiv Table by OFS
BEAR | Guinea Pig | 6 Months Old
Bear is a loving and sweet guinea pig. He is very chill and enjoys spending quality time with his family. His favorite things are sprouts, carrots, and taking long scenic rides in Barbie cars.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Flex Small Basket by Steelcase | Ology Table by Steelcase | Billiard Panel Fabric in Hunter Color by Designtex
CHOPS & REGGIE | English Bulldog & Terrier Mix | 7 & 10 Years Old
Chops is happiest when any human shows him some love! He adores everyone he meets and is a big lover! He is the poster child and inspiration for his parent’s soy candle company, Dirty Dog Candle Co. Reggie loves adventure – swimming, playing fetch, hiking, anything! He might hold the record for the longest game of fetch ever!
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Cameo Chair by SitOnIt / IDEON | Dual Occasional Table by Andreu World | Scheme Fabric in Cross Section Color by Luum
JACKSON & WILBUR | Mixed Breed Mutts | 13 Years Old & 3 Months Old
Jackson’s biggest pet peeve is when people mistake him for a puppy, not the mature 13 yr old man that he is. His Mom (Harriet) gave him the hashtag #RufusTJackson. Jackson prefers not to be called Rufus. Jackson was happiest before his little brother Wilbur came along. He also takes great joy in eating leftover pizza crust. Wilbur’s biggest pet peeve is when everyone assumes he is grumpy because of his eyebrows. He is happiest when the food bag is opened. There is no greater joy than the smell of fresh kibble.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Indie Rocker by JSI Indie Table + Lamp by JSI | Broadband Fabric in Papaya Color by CF Stinson
EMMY | Korat Cat | 7 Years Old
Emmy is a mistress of shadows! What humans might call a “ninja.” She clings to dark places, watching all with her big, bright, green eyes. That is, until the dreaded vacuum cleaner rolls from it’s dingy cave. Then she must flee! Emmy is an impeccably graceful creature at all times. But, to her chagrin, she has been known to miss a jump or two and make quite an unceremonious landing.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Starburst Background Fabric in Yellow Green Color by Designtex | Horizon Narrow Nesting Table by West Elm | Large Marble Decorative Object by Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
STIGGY | Bearded Dragon | 9 Months Old
Stiggy enjoys Netflix + chilling, hugs, and kisses from her Dad (Hudson). Stiggy’s favorite foods are crickets and kale. She has been a trooper with her recent habitat renovation. She is now living in a spacious, well furnished, scenic apartment. Her favorite movie is Land Before Time (the original).
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Stump Side Table by West Elm | Flex Power Hanger by Steelcase
HENRY | Australian Cattle Hound | + Terrier | 2 Years Old
Henry is happiest when he is curled up in what his Mom (Laine) calls “donut mode” or in the morning when he streeeeeeeeeeeeetches as long as he can. Henry is a genius. He recently learned when someone puts their hand up to their ear and says “What’s that?” he should speak! And if you say “SHHHH!” he’ll do a whisper-bark instead of a full bark. He is also the LIFE of the party! He greets everyone, does the rounds, sits in laps, snacks on the food, and smiles away.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Duet Chair and Table by Global | Converge Fabric in Blush Color by CF Stinson
TITO | Corgi | 11 Weeks Old
Tito’s biggest pet peeves are when his Mom (Alyssa) tries to give him kisses or tries to take him on walks with a leash. He much prefers to lead himself. Tito also seems to have beef with Birkenstocks, considering he barks at his Mom’s feet anytime she puts them on. When his Mom isn’t home you can expect Tito to be chewing up his potty pad, splashing around in his water bowl and taking all the naps. His proudest moment is when he completed the death-defying trek up and down a full flight of stairs on his own!
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Heya Lounge Chair by OFS | Roo Table by OFS
TOOTSIE & BLUEBERRY | Persian Cats | Both 14 Years Old
Tootsie & Blueberry’s Mom (Megan) saved 10 year old Tootsie when she was on the chopping block at the animal rescue. Blueberry and Tootsie have been best buds and have lived happily ever after since. Blueberry & Tootsie’s ideal date together is a stroll in the yard to eat some grass blades then inside for a meal of soft pâté and ending curled up in bed. Blueberry is mature, easy going and without pet peeves. He was also the runner-up for a pet competition when he was 3. Tootsie, on the other hand, does not like being picked up. Both of them enjoy chasing balls and playing with cat toys.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Soft Privacy Lounge by Davis Furniture | Hans Table by Davis Furniture
HUXLEY, KAFKA & VELMA | Rhodesian Ridgebacks & French Bulldog/ Boston Terrier Mix | 6, 5 & 3 Years Old
All three dogs are happiest when they are together. They love snuggling, going for walks, getting all the sniffs in, going to a park and running their hearts out. Huxley and Kafka do sometimes take issue with Velma when she steals their toys. Velma came into the household last however she doesn’t let her size difference stop her from doing anything. Velma causes non-stop laughter and has personality for days. Watching her boss her brothers around has been nothing short of impressive and entertaining.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Turnstone Campfire Lounge by Steelcase | Lily Nesting Tables by Coalesse
THOR & SOL | Jack Russell Terrier & Siberian Husky | 2 & 1 Year Old
Thor is happiest when he gets to sit on the balcony watching all the birds and squirrels. He is very proud of his stuffed raccoon and carries it around the house with him. Thor’s party trick is giving everyone high-fives. Sol is happiest when he gets to splash around in the creek near his house. His proudest moments are when he finds big sticks on walks. Sol’s ideal date would start with a little swim and end with a peanut butter filled Kong toy.
THANK YOU SPONSORS: Major Chair by Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams | Nolan Side Table by West Elm
First Row: MISS BOW & MR. JACKSON on Bassline Bench by Steelcase | GERTRUDE on Montara650 Lounge by Coalesse | PIPER on HUG Chair by Bolia | GABBY on Wishbone Chair by Coalesse
Second Row: OLGA on Sachet Chair by Davis | OTIS on EMU Round Seating by Coalesse | LEGEND on Montara650 Lounge by Coalesse | BUFFY on Shortcut Wood Chair by Steelcase
Third Row: FINN on Wishbone Chair by Coalesse | LEVI on Grab Pouf by Bolia | CASH with X-Stool by Bolia | LUCY on B-Free Lounge by Steelcase
Forth Row: PRESLEY on Boost Chair by OFS | OLIVER on Alight Bench Ottoman by Steelcase | OLLIE on Bistro Chair by OFS | MAX on EMU Round Seating by Coalesse
Fifth Row: JOHNNY CASH on Bassline Bench by Steelcase | PIPER on Charlie Stacking Stool by West Elm | ANNIE on B-Free Lounge by Steelcase | LILY on Beaver Barstool by Bolia
Scott Rice is excited to share our 2020 FURniture & Friends Calendar! Calendars are 8.5×11 and feature KC Community Pets with furniture from our local rep groups.
All proceeds from the Calendar and Event will go to Unleashed Pet Rescue.